Positive Disruption

What is great in a human
is that a human being is
a bridge and not an end.  Nietzsche

There are many ways in which we fall asleep along the way in our lives. I see disruption as a practice that wakes us up, which propels us to create the life we want and we may have forgotten about it.

Disruption is a means to reinvent ourselves, our identities, and the way we observe life, the way we relate and belong, the way we are in this world.

Think of it this way. You know those times when you’re working on your computer, and things are just running painfully slow? You can’t get the pages to load, and you’re stuck in a holding pattern that feels unending.

What fixes it? Sometimes it’s the refresh button. Sometimes it’s a hard reboot. Either way, disrupting the system is the only way to get it to perform the way you want it to.

10 Steps on the Path from Numb Normal to Pure Possibility.



The Lessons of disruption

A superhuman is who makes of

his/her life a way, a path,

a journey of unending



Disruption is what reminds you to listen to your inner voice. If you don’t listen to it, nobody will.

What is the blueprint you want for your life?  What are the dreams you’re longing to live in? What driving desires have you tamped down to live life on autopilot?.

The lives we live, unplugged from ourselves, our passion, and our purpose, may be comfortable, but they have a numbing effect on our bodies, mind, emotions, and ultimately our souls. We live trapped in our own stories.

We stop choosing what fulfills us and choose what we feel we have no choice to choose. We sacrifice the core of who we are for the sake of . . . peace? Acceptance? Fear?

You were meant for greatness

Don’t dare to be different,
dare to be yourself. If that
doesn’t make you different
then something is wrong. Laura Baker

We create for ourselves small and distorted identities based on beliefs, past experiences, and false standards.

But you are meant to be more. You are a possibility. Your story is still being written, and YOU are the author. How many more chapters do you want to add? How do you want it to end?

The process of disruptive reflection can help you see the possibility that you are, and layout a roadmap to bring it into reality. It is in your life where Heaven and Earth meet.

You are a Spirit with shoes on. The more you listen to the lessons of disruption in your life, and the more awake you stay, the more you can live a conscious, meaningful, joyful, and fulfilling life.

Are you ready for positive disruption?

Own your story and
rewrite the ending. Brene Brown

Well-living leads to well-being. Well-living means living consciously, from the inside out, and making intentional choices, and daring to change the self-identity you’ve created.

Somehow we have grown to believe that life happens out there, with little or no say on our end, and we just “juggle” what comes to us.

That describes just one side of the coin. We now know enough through science that we can use our power to both create and design the life that we want and make choices as to how to relate to the curve balls that life throws at us.

So what choices are you ready to make to deal with what life has given you? How will you design a life that lights you up?

We need to stay awake and be willing to disrupt ourselves through reflection as a regular practice, so we may stretch ourselves into more challenging and fulfilling choices for our lives.

You won’t get where you want to go on autopilot. It’s time to take the wheel and fly in a direction that will open a world of new possibilities. Let’s talk about how to get you there.

Let’s talk about how you can be, become, and belong.



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