I am a Libra, and one of the things that have always been difficult for me is making decisions. Big or small, it didn’t matter.  I would consider and analyze so many options that eventually my brain froze.  I always admired people who were quick to decide. They seemed to be stress-free.

Libra tries to keep the balance (yes, I am blaming Libra) and decisions may threaten that balance.  What if it is not the right one?

Libra is also an air sign, and, therefore, very mental. The mind is always trying to analyze, get into details, and draw conclusions. So on top of trying to stay in balance, Libra wants to factor in everything before making the best possible decision. What an unachievable goal that is!

This process of analyzing created a lot of tension. 

Painfully and gradually I began the journey of letting go to stop sweating the small stuff. 

And there was a deeper tension. Not the stressful kind, but balance-related also.  It was the tension of being, the tension of existing. The reality of existing as a human being and a spiritual being.

One of the Dictionary’s meanings of the word “tension” is being pulled from opposite directions.

Yet in looking at the Latin origin of the word –“tendere”– I found a much more relatable meaning of this tension.  The Latin origin of the word tension points towards to tend, to take care of.

It is not that I was being pulled in opposite directions, but rather that my being was tending naturally, willingly, and passionately in these two directions.  And interestingly enough, I didn’t want that tension to go away.  I wanted to pursue it. I wanted to tend and care for both aspects of my existence as a human and spiritual being.

I called that tension My so-called Life.

I realized that that tension had to do with being human.  Being human included, embraced, and implied being spiritual.  I belonged to the two worlds, the spiritual and the physical, simultaneously and at times one pulled me more than the other.  At times, one seduced me more than the other.

My life is a melting pot where the two worlds and dimensions co-exist. And it is my responsibility, that when I am gone, my life will have contributed to this physical world and my soul will have evolved

When I recognized that tension, my purpose became clear and I found the challenge exhilarating.

My Libra found the balance I wanted to pursue, which made sense.  Aiming at keeping that balance gave me direction, filled me with excitement for life, and invited me to plunge into the unknown.

Between Heaven and Earth, is where I am dwelling.

Between the Divine and the Physical, is where I am standing, tending, and reaching for both realms.

And later on, I realized that I am bot between the two, in fact, I am where Heaven and Earth meet—where they intersect and become one.

And there I am being and existing in that space, where Heaven and Earth are One.

It was then when I knew that I could stop pursuing balance.  Being in that space I am balanced. I am in one and the other world at the same time.

I am the Spiritual and the Physical, the Infinite and the Finite, the Eternal and the Mortal, the God, and the Flesh.

The apparent opposites are just two different aspects of One Life

It was upon acknowledging that, that my life became free. Living in between felt small and confusing Living in One existence that included both aspects felt like the Universe, where everything is possible, where miracles happen and where experience can reach infinite possibilities.

I am One with All.

And so are You.